Thursday, May 3, 2018
New Canaan High School Wagner Room – 7:00 pm An expert panel led by Craig Canapari, MD, Director of Yale Pediatric Sleep Center, will explain the short- and long-term effects of limited sleep on adolescent physical and mental health, the importance of school start times, and strategies for controlling and optimizing teen sleep. Following Dr. Canapari’s keynote presentation, local pediatrician William Flynn, MD, of New Canaan Pediatrics will speak about what he sees in his own practice. Dr. Flynn, much loved by generations of New Canaan families, treats infants through teens from New Canaan, as well as from neighboring towns like Wilton, which changed to a later start time in 2003, and Greenwich, which changed in 2017. Tracey Masella, LCSW, from Silver Hill Hospital will describe the link between sleep and anxiety. In 2006, the League of Women Voters of New Canaan conducted its own study on the subject, and ultimately advocated for a later start time for NCPS 7th-12th grades. The cause and position, more recently and vigorously revived by a grassroots group called Start School Later New Canaan, reflects growing local concern of the negative, long-term effects of sleep deprivation in teens. The LWVNC and Start School Later New Canaan are co-sponsoring this event, which is free and open to the public. Comments are closed.
October 2023
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